fredag 18 september 2020

What I been doing for the past few months.

 So I been absent again on this damn blog but that´s because I been busy with spending time with family playing games watching anime.

So far I beaten a few games and still trying to beat more slowly chipping away on my backlog.

Shadow Warrior 2

Bloodstained curse of the moon 2 

8-bit armies

Brütal Legend

Wizzards and Warriors (Nes)

But I also spent allot of times playing mmos. I tried to set a goal for my self and revisit some mmo I used to play back in the days that I enjoyed and get 1 charter to max level and maybe do the main story quest line of that mmo.

So far I manage to do that in 2 mmo´s 

Aion reach level 80 and did the main story line that today sadly is almost removed.

Tera online reached max level 70 and completed all story quest. 

So these  are the mmo games I have left do to  
Age of Conan unchained (max level of 80 and story quest) 

Final fantasy XIV (Max level of 80 and the stoey quest I have left is Stormblood and shadowbringer)

Elder scrolls online (Im alrady max level but I got the Grey moor expantion left to do)

Gloria Victis  (Max level 100 has no real story quest)

Kingdom Under fire II (Max level 30 have no clue about the main story but it´s a mix of mmo and rts)

RF online (maybe reach max level )

Phantasy star online 2 (Max level 80 and story line do to)

Secret world legends (Max level 50 and I don´t know allot about the story quest )

Star trek online (level 60 out of 65 but I got shit load of story quest to finish)

Star wars the old republic (max level of 55 and story quest to do)

The reason im revisiting these old mmos is because I want to give the more love before they all disappear for ever and I can play them anymore. They are all rely fun mmo´s but the young me never played them that much and I felt I need to see the game at least to max level before they are gone for good.

I never did that with Neo steam and Wildstar and now I kind of miss them, but it´s to late 

End Screen of Wizards and Warriors 

My max level 70 charter in Tera 

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