tisdag 3 april 2018

Bloody hell 3 month´s now.

I rely need to update my blog a bit more often but what can I say I play allot of games or watch allot of anime when i´m not working or spending time with my Kid and girl friend and im getting another kid soon so yeah. 

Also because no one reads the blog I often even forget I have one. But I made this blog more for my self than for others to read but it would be fun if some people read it and made some comments so we would talk  about the games i´m playing or so. 

So I was checking my phone of some gaming news and a topic got my attention I did not read all of it because well I hate Kotaku a site will of lying people and some feminists that seams to hate games. But I saw the title and it was about a dude on kotaku always playing super mario bros 2 at least 1 time every year.

So it got me thinking do I have any games I play once a year ? 

Well for me sense 2011 I played Skyrim always once every year because well it´s a fun game and there is ton´s of new content in form of mods and im not talking small content I talk DLC big mods like Moon path Elsweyr or Falskaar or heck the newest one i´m playing is Beyond skyrim-Bruma they are super big DLC mods created by awesome moder´s.But other than Skyrim or Ragnarok I don´t know what other games I would play 1 every year I mean not many games get new content after they are done and all dlc´s are out and playing them once a year will make you sick of the same stuff over and over before you know it I think you will hate the game.

Well that was my bit for now but I will try to update some more this month about the games im playing now which are Skyrim with the mod 
Beyond skyrim-Bruma , Fallout 4 because I have yet to do the far harbor dlc then I also play some Elder scrolls online morrowind dlc some ark survival evolved and Conan exiles and last some Ni no kuni and try to beat it so I can jump on the next game to beat. Most of the games I mentioned I play a bit here and there but my main focus is to beat games like Ni no kuni and so on the other once I already finished but have new content I have not done so spend an hour or 2 on them now and then.