tisdag 27 juni 2017

MMO of the Week.

Well I´m a avid fan of mmo games mostly because it´s fun to chat with people watch your character evolve the higher level you get.  So I plan to write 1 post a week about a mmo I´m currently playing or tried my hands on.   It will not be a review i´m not good with words or explaining my self but I will write about why I like it and.

This weeks mmo will be Tera onlin a mmo I have played on and off sense the game was in closed beta back in 2012.  I remember I had waited for this game allot after seeing people on Twitch play the Korean version. I remember thinking it looked so stunning and that man Lancer was such as bad ass class, I mean it was a class with a huge shield and a lance what was it not to like. The game was allot different then other mmo´s Warrior was not your standard tank anymore the game also had action combat that was not o common back in the day.

I must say I have played it allot sense it came out I have right now 6 classes at level 65 (65 is max as of now ) and 1 class at 60.  The classes I have is Archer,Slayer,Reaper,Brawler,Gunner,Ninja and my soon to be level 65 Valkyrie.

 The reason I still go back to this mmo is when they release a new class and because it is a fun game where the combat is smooth and fast and even being almost 5 years old still have some stunning graphics, Also the game still has somewhat big active community about 1 million player last I heard on both EU and US, sure that may not sound allot but I seen mmo still being alive after 7-8 years with much smaller player base.

Sure the game has some flaws like they made so you can solo most of the dungeons sure it may not be a bad thing for some but it makes it so it can take allot of time to find a party because most people just solo most dungeons. (Sure if you have a guild that may not be a problem) Then pvp is not it´s strongest side im sure most hard core pvpers dislike the game because of it´s lack of rely good pvp.  I don´t mind that i´m no fan of pvp at all people tend to take it way to seriously which makes them become rely mean to other people.

This is a game I would tell people to try at least once because it´s fun. The game is world is beautiful and the community is okey sure it has allot of bad people but most mmo´s have.

I would rate this game 7 skimpy armors out of ten.  

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